Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Hearth Defended: My opinion about this piece by Mary Eberstadt and Myrna Blythe

Mr. Sweeney had our class to read " The Hearth Defended:  A Review of Home Alone America:  The Hidden Toll of Day Care, Wonder Drugs, and other Parent Substitutes ("Marriage and Family in the New Millenium").  by Mary Eberstadt/Myrna Blythe

First, I am not ashamed to say that I often wonder if "Women's Lib" was more harmful than helpful, not only to our nation, but most importantly, to the children.  As a woman, I say this because I know that I was created very differently than a man when it comes to my nurturing spirit.  I have all these emotions and attachments to children that I think were intentionally given to me as a woman as I believe that I was created this way by a higher being.   Don't misunderstand what I am saying, because I do know some men that are very loving and more attached than the mothers, but it is much fewer in the bigger picture.
I think that raising a human being  is much more challenging than running a corporation.  The balance comes from "mothering",  that natural nurturing that oozes from our bodies whenever a child is nearby, whether it is our own or someone else.   Fathers are equally important by setting a strong example of what it means to be the "head of the household", by making sure that his family is well taken care of.   I have yet to meet a women who deep down inside, really didn't want to be loved and taken care of by a man and have the opportunity to raise a child in a way that he would be a productive member of society.  Raising a child means teaching them how to spend and save money, how to present themselves in public, making sure that they have an acceptable amount of education, teaching them how to react to emotions, making sure that hey have their spiritual needs met, etc.  How can you do this successfully when both parents are at work? 

Eberstadt describes a sick toddler, who should be home in bed, spending all day at a daycare center plaintively calling for his mommy.  She talks about parents who are unable or unwilling to miss a day at work would often dose their children with Tylenol to bring down their fevers before dropping them off at day care.  Babies need their mothers.  Look at Nature for what it is. For most breed of animals the old adage is true "Mommy's babies, Daddy's maybe's."  In other words, we usually see the female of most breads doing the nurturing until their offspring are able to sustain itself.  Why is it hard to accept that maybe we  as women were created to nurture these babies until they go out on their own.    Finding a man that is "Man enough" to allow you that precious time is a different subject for a different article.

Our collective need to drive the market for jobs also contributed to the NEED for two parents to work in order to pay the bills.  Our need to have the swankiest houses have contributed to the NEED for two parents to work to pay the bills.  " How much do we really love our children?", I ask myself sometime.  Do we love them enough to sacrifice our own personal desire to be some "big wig" in a company, whereas, when everyone goes home they don't give us a 2nd thought. Yet your babies think of you with great love and admiration AT ALL TIMES.

Just my opinion !  Later!

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