Monday, April 21, 2014

The Passover "Keep doing this in remembrance of me"

One of my outside the classroom experiences included me attending the Memorial/and or the Passover as referred to by Jehovah's Witnesses. On Monday April 14, 2014 I attended this ceremony as I have many years before.  Though I am not a baptized Jehovah's Witness, I find myself really respecting and appreciating this particular observance on Nisan 14th.  Of all the faiths that I have had the pleasure of learning more about, this one is to me the closest in it's interpretation of the Bible,  and they don't pick and choose which Holiday to celebrate and which ones to choose as an ordinary day.    It is clear that the Bible quotes Jesus saying "keep doing this in remembrance of me" referring to acknowledging the reason for his life, which was his death."  Every year when I go to this festivity, I am humbled because I think that Jehovah God must  be an Awesome God that he loved us  so much that he gave his only begotten Perfect son to free us of the curse (sin and death) that Adam and Eve brought against all of their offspring because they believed that they didn't need Jehovah to rule them.  Adam and Eve believed that they were able to challenge Jehovah's sovereignty.  Some say that this is a parable, I say this is God's truth. 

"Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " There is no scripture that says "keep celebrating my birth in remembrance of me".  Yet Christmas has become the biggest commercialized Holiday to date. Some  private offices may close, but Federal Offices remain open for Easter.  Some jobs allow a person their personal birthday off, but WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?)  I am sure you all remember the bracelet.  Would Jesus make it a point to celebrate his birthday/ his vanity?  I don't think so.   

Before Christ actually passed around the sacraments around which represented his blood (wine) and his body (bread), he made sure that anyone that did not have his best interest in mind (referring to Judas the traitor) left the building.  This is another part of the Memorial Service that  I truly appreciate because it shows that Jesus didn't tend for EVERYONE to partake of the bread and wine, but a select few who's loyalty to Jesus Christ was unquestionable.  The witnesses actually observe the Passover by passing the wine and the bread for observance only for the general population.  The Brother gives the talk than explain who is to participate in actually partaking of the sacraments.  He always takes you to the scripture in Revelations that specifically says 144,000 will be in Heaven with Christ.  Then he excitedly let everyone in attendance know that even if you are not of the 144,000, you have a hope to live on Earth forever.

As usual, I left there ceremony feeling renewed.  I will be completely honest, I haven't been Baptized under any faith as they all have their own interpretation of the Bible, and they all have flaws in my opinion on  how their organizations were founded.  With The Mormons, you have to believe Joseph Smith's message as a prophet.   With the Muslims, you have to believe that Muhammad was God's prophet.  With the Witnesses, you have to believe in Charles Russell. All of the above named religion was touched in some way by Calvinism and Lutheranism. I just try to believe in GOD, and live a good life, give more than I take, and love with all my heart.  When I mess up, I pray to GOD for forgiveness.

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