Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mind Blowing Experience for this NonTransitional Student!

I am considered a non-traditional student because I didn't attend college directly out of high school.  Heck, it has been 28 years....WOW!  What I have discovered as a non-traditional student is that I appreciate the learning process more, but, it is mind blowing in that I am learning things that forces me to re-evaluate my personal values and ideas which I have had 46 years to embrace and to make my own.  My learning experience is so much different than that of my classmates of 18 -25 years old who are still molding their character, values and ideas. 
 As a Postal Union official for the last 15 years, I was always very assured and confidant because my knowledge base was remarkable.  I was like a robot, someone file a grievance, I will investigate, process and mediate and send it up to the next step because managers usually do not negotiate at Step 1 or 2.   In order to be successful, I had to know my "opponents weaknesses."  I mean it was predictable that a grievance would be "procedurally defective", or the same supervisor who lied often will predictably lie again and I will corner them on paper.  However, now that I am back in school, I am being forced to look at my weaknesses in order to rebuild my brand. 
For example, sitting in my Sociology class, I get to squirming because sometime I feel like the professor is using his position to push his conservative views on others by providing more evidence that supports his views, when I am sure there is just as much evidence out there that supports a liberal point of view.  Than I have to wake myself up and say  "There you go again, personalizing a view in a way to win the argument!" That Union Steward, and Honor Graduate of the US Marine Corps spirit in me just won't die.   In other words... I am already the "sum of all my parts", while my classmates have an edge by being "new and fresh" and less opinionated.  So just like I did in bootcamp, I find myself tearing down and rebuilding a stronger, and wiser me that would be better equipped with the ability to respect and appreciate opposing views.  Most of all I hope to take my gift to compromise when necessary to the next level.    Stay tuned!  Work in Progress!

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